Season: Memorial Day – Labor Day with manned office hours. (office hours vary after August 30th. Plan accordingly.
We are a seasonally staffed operation. Reservations are accepted outside of these dates for tent camping or RV/Trailers requiring electricity. Keep in mind however that water is only available through October 15th. Roads are not maintained during winter months so please do not book unless you speak to someone who can give you accurate information so that you don’t get stranded. Most places do not have cellular service in the river corridor so don’t rely on these devices to get you out of a situation you are not prepared for.
Some calls may go unanswered due to the line already being in use. If you get voicemail then please leave us a message because we are either on the other line or out on site.
If you book in the off-season then be aware that someone may not contact you for several days if at all. If you have questions during the off-season please direct them to 402-376-2503. Always leave a message. If you are not contacted within 48 hours then assume your message was not clear or it did not go through.
Check In: 2:00pm
Check Out: 11:00am
Base Rates for camping include 2 adults which is the minimum. An additional per night, per person, apply for more than 2 adults.
RV/Campers with hookup include two adults plus daily electric/water. An additional per night, per person, apply for more than 2 adults.
Check In: 3:00pm
Check Out: 11:00am
Maximum occupancy is either 5 or 8.
Absolutely no animals allowed in the bunkhouses. The person behind you may have severe allergies.
11:00pm to 7:00am central.
Any unreasonably loud noise is prohibited at any time, including TV’s, Radios, and Generators.
If you need to use a generator then please contact the office prior so you can be placed in the zone that will not bother your fellow camper. Loud generators will be allowed to run from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm central. Otherwise, they will not be allowed outside of the designated generator zone.
All reservations require payment in full at the time of reserving. Holiday and Special Event Weekends require a 3-Night stay.
Refunds are subject to the following conditions:
Head out on the river by tube, kayak, or canoe with rentals from: